Loan Calculator
Determine your credit score with Finsion Loan Calculator, know how much you can borrow
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The final estimated price is :
Balance DSR Available = [item-342_price]
Target Hire Purchase Amount
Years | Percentage | Amount |
7 | 3 | [item-343_price] |
9 | 3 | [item-345_price] |
Target Mortgage Amount
Years | Percentage | Amount |
25 | 3.5 | [item-346_price] |
30 | 3.5 | [item-347_price] |
Target Personal Loan Amount
Years | Percentage | Amount |
5 | 6 | [item-363_price] |
7 | 6 | [item-364_price] |
5 | 9 | [item-365_price] |
7 | 9 | [item-366_price] |
5 | 13 | [item-367_price] |
7 | 13 | [item-368_price] |
Description | Information | Quantity | Price |
Discount : | |||
Total : |